Providing a bespoke and tailored Tax structure
We specialise in corporate, commercial and personal tax structuring. Our expert attorneys develop solutions to efficiently manage your financial affairs and minimise you and your family’s tax liability. That may sound intimidating, but we take care of the complexities on your behalf.
Pay 28% tax instead of 45%.
Be TAX savvy!
As the old saying goes, nothing is certain but death and taxes! Whilst these events cannot be avoided the financial impact of your demise and certainly how much tax you pay until your death, can be managed and minimised.
Our experience in assisting clients for over 20 years has revealed that most business owners, self-employed professionals and high net worth individuals voluntarily pay too much tax. It may appear to be a preposterous claim but it is a fact. We challenge you to investigate your own affairs. If you are a business owner or a self-employed professional and in the top tier earning bracket then you are paying too much tax.
The Income Tax Act is riddled with many nuggets on how to best structure your personal and business affairs to minimise the taxes that you need to pay resulting in savings of up to 17% on income earned or 20% in dividends tax. In the event that you seek to minimise taxation on your earnings, dividends, or if you intend to sell your business it is critical that you timeously implement structures to achieve tax efficiencies.
Tax structuring
made simple
made simple
At iProtect we utilise a number of mechanisms contained in the Income Tax Act that can be tailor made to give you a bespoke solution to your specific tax position.
We establish the appropriate structures that will trade and hold the equity in the businesses or a specific practice for self-employed professionals. The structures are implemented and the tax efficiencies can be achieved without triggering any taxation during the restructuring process, accordingly no VAT, capital gains taxes, recoupment tax or transfer duty are triggered in the process.
Our simple Tax Structuring Process :
Request a callback from us :
We will call you and after a couple of minutes answering questions we’ll have everything we need to schedule a FREE consultation.
Get paired with a professional :
You’ll be matched with a dedicated professional that best suits your needs. We can meet virtually or in-person and tailor a solution that fits your needs.
We take care of the rest :
Sit back while we do it all for you. All the admin and paperwork. We will present you with a suitable structure tailored to your requirements.